Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Unspeakable

Today, the unspeakable happened. Me and Phebee found out that next year, we are going to different schools! I can't beleive it. The school board changed the boundries, so now we don't go to school together. :_(

Friday, June 13, 2008


Again, i say it. E-MAIL IS GOOD, E-MAIL US!!! our address is posted All OVER the site, bt if you are rEally that blind, here it is again:


answer to your question:

Nope, all privaleges re-stored. Why can you not call me? Tomorrow, you better call me + invite me over. Like, right away. oh yah, i REALLY hurt my toe. it REALLY hurt. I tripped over Reggie's (my dog) food bowl, and hurt my toe.
So, beffy (did you see that? I didn't capitalize your name. Ha. serves you right for going Beffy!! and me just Phebee) Anyways, so, beffy(did it again!) you aren't grounded from electronics anymore? I thought it was 3 weeks!

Top 6

Hey Ya'll, We are doing the next top 6 as:

Top 6 hot 'n' not, TV Shows!

please e-mail us ideas for the top 6 at

Please tell your friends!


Hey! the poll is FINALLY closed, and so........ we DO have a winner! At a whopping 3 to 1 to 1 to 1, the winner is........ Hey! Phebee! can i please get a drum roll????

dum dum dum dum- Thanx!- dum dum dum dum dum dum


The next poll will be:
Fave Bff:

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Comments + poll

Hey! please send us an e-mail about what you like, and what you want to see on the site! Thanx a bunch!

for those who this is their first time visiting the site, please answer our poll so we can get the best answer! so far the winner is dirty clothes!
