Hey there my friends! It's Beffy. I have been BUGGING Phebee to edit her page but she has not. Because she is lame. "I have nothing to say about myself because I am such a lame person and you are so much cooler than me!" That's what she said. Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have put quotation marks around that because... well... I might have embellished the truth. But it's pretty much what she was trying to say anyways.
So I'm going to tell you about Phebee.
She is 16 years old, and like me, going into Junior Year. She's on the school dance team (me too- no way) and she is pretty much the best friend a girl could want. Look at me getting all gushy.
Anyways, gush aside, she is an extremely talented writer and if she tells you differently, she's lying. She does that a lot when it comes to how amazing she is.
She has her driver's liscence and I am extremely jealous. I hate driving, but I'd rather have my liscence then not. Oh well. She gets to drive me around.
She doesn't like the Jolly Rancher things that have the one flavor on the inside and another on the outside. Learned THAT one the hard way...
She does like bow tie pasta.
We could eat ourselves sick together.
She's into bad boys... and Vampire Diaries. She loves that one character on it... Yeah, that one. Personally, I don't think he's that attractive. But she threatens our friendship every time I say that so... OHMYGOSH HE'S SO HAWT.
Look at Me! Here I am! Looove Me.
(Quote from Cars. I was watching it while I wrote this. No hatin.) Phebee's Diary
May 28, 2008(but you know that already!)OK, so this morning Beffy and I were working on math together. We have been working together on it for about 2 weeks. So, anyways, we finished the book and now we get to go to the American Girl Place together! Beffy's mom made a deal with her that she could go when we finished. So, my mom said that I can go, too. So... I AM GETTING ADDY! I have loved her forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-OK, I think you get my drift. I'm going to tell a few things about myself but I can't be on long. Beffy is bugging me to get off. Last night we had a sleepover and stayed up until 2! So, of course, I slept in until 9. But, that is beside the point. I'm getting off subject again.
1). My favorite animal is a tiger.
2). My favorite color is orange, but purple after that. I don't like how they look together, though.
3). I am know to my friends as crazy, drama queen, and girly-girl.
4).JUST A SECOND, beffy! I have to put 6!
4). (again) Beffy and I are best friends but we have TONS of differences. So, we dont' always agree.
5). My favorite number is 6.
6). Beffy and I have know each other ever since our mom's were pregnant with us, and now we are 12. We even have the same birthday!
Gotta go or my head will be on Beffy's tray. or, platter. BY!
OK, I know this is June 4th and I have not updated in like a week or something(I'm almost failing math, sorry!) but I have been so busy with my babysitting! (Lilly counts) (HA~:o) I GOT ADDY! I LOVE HER! OMGSH! SHE IS SO COOL! I LOVE HER! I think I just said that...oh well, I LOVE HER! Since I already had a just like you(I decided that was how to say it) they play together all the time. I LOVE HER! I love her textured hair, especially. SEE YA!
June 6, 2008 OK, Beffy is supposed t pick me up right now and is running late and so I decided to update. Well, here she is so I guess not!
June 14, 2008 I INVITED BEFFY OVER TO PLAY AND SUDDENLY, SHE CAN'T! (i think she got in trouble...) Well, neither could Hannah or Alex so finally the world started again and Layla and Heidi asked Lilly and I could play. Yes! We played for, like, 3 hours. I wish Beffy and I could watch H2o together but it sounds like a no and anyways, I have a babysitting job in less than an hour so I can watch it with them their-they love it, too! AGGH! Stop! Sorry, talking to myself again. I do that a LOT. I mean, what's the point if you only talk to other people. In fact, sometimes, well-to be honest-almost every night it gets me in trouble. And that's the truth! I talk to myself about all my problems and what I will do tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, Lilly-and my parents--hate me. I mean it. NO! It came out wrong again! OK, let me try it one more time. Lilly and my parents love me. Let me get this straight. They just hate my habit. I hate it too, sometimes. Especially-don't you hate it when you are saying something like "don't do it, don't do it!" in a movie and everybody is like SSHHHHHH! and than you go "sorry" but they don't invite you over to see anything again? I don't call it talking to myself usually. I just call it talking to my imaginary BF. Her name is usually Tess or Theresa, but sometimes Crystal, Kelly Ann, Lexi-that is my fave- or basically anything else. She has even been Bob before. Well, gotta go.
August 17, 2008 I miss Beffy and Alex and Hannah. Beffy is on vacation and Alex and Hannah moved on August 8th. I miss talking to them and playing with them. I can't believe that it has been a week. I got back from vacation (I was gone 3 1/2 weeks) on the 3rd from visiting cousins and friends in Washington. I missed everybody-that is the longest I have ever been gone, well, at least by myself. Well, I had my older sister Taylor with me most of the time-all but a week- but still. I especially miss Beffy. I hope Alex and Hannah don't forget me! Well, gtg, by
November 27, 2010
Wow. Seriously?? 20TEN?? Na...that must be a typo. there is NO WAY I totally and completely ignored this blog during the entire year of 2009!!! .....right?
So much has happened, I'm sure, since August 17, 2008. But I can't really think of anything big. Wait, I'll make a list!! I love lists, they are just wonderful. haha, here it is.
Big things since 2008:
- Highschool. Big word. Big thing. But it doesn't feel big. I just...go to school, like any other day. Except that Highschool is SO MUCH FUN!!! I love it!!
- 14. It's a number. It's also my age. But how big is it? I'm not sure. It doesn't feel(that word again) so big. Just...bigger. If that even makes any sense at all. Which I doubt. :)
- School. Not highschool, but just plain school. Now a BIG part of my life-wait, did I say PART? It feels like school IS my life. Probably is. I mean, it's always been a big part, duh! It's what you do, like, everyday. But now, I have sooooo much homework(which I should be doing right now-I have like 45 pages to read and packets do do and things to memorize...anyway...) and I'm at school longer, but when I'm not at school OR doing homework, it's still my life. All the people I talk to and about, and things I think about. It's not bad. Just big.
- Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I miss Beffy though. She's on vacation too. But I guess that even if SHE weren't we still wouldn't see each other, because I AM. haha I get home tomorrow though!!!! K, I gotta go. Bye!!!
15 December 2010
I can't exactly write much right now...oh my GOSH, are you kidding me???? It has NOT Been an hour. I just looked at the clock and it said 10!!! How is it 10:52???? Wow, now I really can't write much. I was writing a report for Speech and...watching music videos....so I guess that's why it got so late...Well, anyway, life is good! Can NOT wait for break-FRIDAY!!!!!!! We have a half day Friday, then it's Hasta LaVista for TWO WEEKS!!!!! I am so excited!!!
So, really fast, one more thing. Today, I pretty much managed to run-no, I mean literally, run, into the guy I like. Yeah, I'm talented. You know, I might take it differently if this was the first time something like this had happened. It's not. I'm not keeping track, but I'm guessing this is somewhere around the 11 mark... :) Like I said, I'm talented.
GoodNIGHT! Talk later!
22 December 2010
Well, I pretty much slept through the Eclipse...not TOTALLY, but preeety much. I woke up, walked outside, saw the moon (half-asleep still), which was slightly orange, and walked straight back inside, laid down in bed and fell asleep. Hey, I did better than Beffy, who slept all night long. :)
Working on Christmas presents!! I had 2 I had to finish still, and I only have one I have to finish now!! And I have to buy one other....
I am excited to give Beffy her present! But she keeps telling me how amazing MINE (her gift to me) is, and she even put like four inside jokes in it!! And mine is just...fun... Oh well. She'll still like it :) But I can not wait to see what I'm getting because it sounds awesome :)
Don't know what else to say...Beffy and I should be able to "exchange gifts" tomorrow! Woah. ToMORROW. That's close. Very close.
I want to go ice skating tomorrow on the pond a few neighborhoods away. I need to get those ice skates back on my feet!!
Not much to write, except that CHRISTMAS IS IN 3 DAYS!! Oh my GOOOOOOSH. Ok, I'm gonna go.
Merry Christmas!
28 December 2010
Yellow! Christmas was lots of fun, and I even got exactly what I wanted!!! I got new dance shoes!! My old ones were really worn out, and even though I love it when they get that way (it means you've danced in them that much!), I badly needed new ones. I got them! I love just slipping them on-well, they don't exactly slip on yet, I guess. I have to stretch them out.
Anyway, I ALSO got a new backpack, and lotttsss of candy and cookies and stuff like that. Yummay! The only thing that would have made it better would have been if I got a fish. But my mom said "No Way!!!!" when I mentioned it, so I'm out of luck there.
The thing I love most about Christmas is the way it feels, though. Everyone is happy and giddy, cheerful and in a good attitude.
On a different note, I'm going out of town. Long car ride (bleh :/) then I get to stay with my cousins for a few days!! There is an upside to the long-ness of the ride though...I have homework I will have to do in the car. And I'll need most of the driving time to do it...
Today was a good day. Babysitting all day, and the girls are very sweet and cute.
Anyway, I'm gonna go now. See ya!