Sunday, February 28, 2010


THe BFF CLuB iS FuLLy oPeRaTioNaL NoW!!!!! i aM So eXCiTeD, CaNT You TeLL? LoL... anyways, go to: to sign up!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Coming Soon

coming soon is a new edition to the bff blog-world, bff club international.... keep an eye out!

Friday, February 19, 2010

we're on facebook

hey, become a fan of the bff blog on facebook!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hey, it's Beffy! As Phebee and I have gotton older and wiser, our site has changed a BUNCH! Check it out! Tell ur friends... PLEASE!!! We need more fansss!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Phebee here.

Hey, guys! I'm about to update my journal, since it's been, well, FOREVER.
BIG NEWS: I am moving! Just about 5 minutes away from where I am now, about the same distance from Beffy as I am now. YAY! It would KILL me if we were going to be separated. Aaah! Just the I hope that NEVER happens.
OTHER BIG NEWS: My birthday is coming up! I keep getting older and older, if I keep going at this rate I'll have grey hair soon!
Got to go. -Phebee

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

please email

hey ya'll! this is Beffy... if you ever visit this site, please email us, we need to know these things!!! if we get an email, we will update all the time, just for you!!!