Monday, December 20, 2010

Lucar Eclipse

Did you guys know there is a LUNAR ECLIPSE tonight?? And that it is the first one in 3 years? And that it falls ON the winter solstice, which hasn't happened for 300 something years. AND that I am soo going to watch it?!
That's right! I reallllllllllllllly wish I could watch it with Beffy!! Imagine how much fun THAT would be! We could lay out on a blanket with our pillows, (like on my roof or something ;) ) and eat popcorn and talk while we watch this beautiful thing happen right before our 4-in-total-eyes!!Who wouldn't want that? But...that sounds amazing, and I can't do it. Unfortunantly, it looks like we won't even be able to see each other all break. My schedule; very open. Go to the movies and work on Christmas stuff. Including finishing presents for friends and family. Her schedule: apparently very full. I'm not sure with what, but it sucks. Hugely. Largely. Ginodinosaurusly. 2 best friends not being able to see each other's face over Christmas Break...I guess I do get to bring my present to her (which I'm excited about!). And I have to drop a couple things off. But nothing more than that. She-apparently-can't even spare a few minutes to take a bike ride with her poor BFF...pity me... anyway.
So, back to Lunar Eclipse. Yes, I want to watch it tonight!!! Er, tomorrow morning? But I don't want to be all alone, how creepy would that be??!! I don't know what to do!!!! Errggggg.....

I'll figure something out. I'll probably end up sleeping, you know. Through a great moment in history...*sigh*. But if I can't snuggle down in blankets and eat popcorn with my best friend (which would also keep me awake!), then what am I supposed to do at 2 or whatever in the morning? Go out in my backyard on a camp chair and try not to pee my pants from shivering to death and thinking about all the wild and vicious animals who might chomp my head off any minute??? It looks like that's my only choice! Gahhhh.

Good night...

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