Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bff Blog Jr.

Hey! we have little sisters, Jenny and Lilly. They have a blog called BFF Blog Jr. it is for girls 11 and under. please visit!

Top 6

Hey ya'll! For the top 6, we will have the best 6 and the worst 6 of any subject. we will update it once a week. beffy and phebee rock!!!!!

I Love this site!

I LOVE THIS SITE! It is so cool to have a site just for girls that doesn't focus on boys. I LOVE IT!
-Luv it in texas

Ask Phebee

Q: Which part of your website is your fave?
Wondering in Texas
A: my favorite part is the Diaries! LOL! I LOVE THEM! So, what about you? Huh? Huh? HUH?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ask Phebee

OK, I know this is lame, but does Phebee like eating cheese?:)
Cheese-head in Texas, age 9

A: yes! I like cheese, but it is not my favorite. especially on popcorn. BLEGH!

new web

this website is brand new so we don't have everything we want on it yes. But, I mean, COME ON! you gotta admit it is SUPER cool how it is. you gotta. you GoTtA! please?

e-mail people!

i don't know why, but NO ONE has e-mailed recently. COME ON PEEPS! E-mail us @ thnx!

When it is us talking

When I am talking (it is me, BEFFY) it is BlUe.
You can't forget ME! I'm pUrPlE.

About The Site

Hi! I am Beffy Andrews. Me and my best friend created this blog. Her name is...
PHEBEE! That's ME! It sounds like Fee-bee but spelled, Phebee! This site will be VERY cool.
That's right!
I'm ALWAYS right.
Whatever you say! Any ways, our blog will have a variety of activities that provide pleasure in your spare time, when you chose to use it for leisure.
Basically, allot of STUFF! Like, Top 6 hot 'n' not, Joke 'n' the box,
Ask Beffy, Ask Phebee and our diaries.