Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hello Everybody!
Merry Christmas! It's Beffy here, in case you didn't know. I am visiting my grandparents in Conneticut, and man is it COLD! Jenny is so thrilled, we might actually have a WHITE christmas! We've very rarely had a white christmas, its never cold enough to snow....
Buh bYe!
BEFFY (the best one!)
p.s. email us your fave christmas gift

Sunday, September 20, 2009


AKK! I CAN NOT BELIEVE HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN!!! NEVER let me go that long EVER again, understand?!
I was over at Beffy's house on Saturday and we had so much fun. Jenny and Lilly were there, too. And one of Jenny and Beffy's friends named Kaisa. Cool name, huh? I love it! We made a video using Beffy's recorder. And, in the video, there were some music videos, too. We made a sequece of the music videos. The movie was about how all of us were running away from a boarding school. It was awesome!
Well, I can't think about anything else to write about. If you guys have ANY jokes, questions or ANYTHING(need I repeat myself? :) ), SEND IT to us!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New "Problem"

Hey, guys! We have a new "problem" on the Ask Phebee section. A girl e-mailed in who is having some confusing boy trouble. I suggested a few things to her. Check it out! Oh, by the way, scroll down to get to the Ask Phebee section. I hope that helped, Cry for Help.