Monday, January 24, 2011


Soooo I am so tired. I have gotten to bed after midnight for 5 days in a row, and I wake up at 6 every school day. On Saturday I woke up at 7, and same for Sunday. Tonight my goal was to be in bed...15 minutes ago. At 10. But yet here it is, 10:15 pm, and I'm on the compu, not even ready for bed at all. I'm doing homework (as I write on here, of course:). I hate homework. I really do. It's true.
I'm curious-how long do you guys normally spend on homework a night? I guess i really have it pretty good.

' to go back to work. *Siigggggggh*.
-the one and only------

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years!

Hello everybody! It's 2011!
Honestly, I hate that number. 2010, that was a good number. It was Even, Symmetrical and Rolled right off the tongue. 2011, not so much. It just looks like 2010 lost weight.

The funnest part about the New Years? Being able to say:

"Guys, I haven't showered since last year..."


So... What's your New Years resolution? Do you plan on keeping it? Becasue face it people- you're lucky if your resolution lasts until February.

